Thursday, May 28, 2009

Emotional Recall

In theatre, there is a practice or technique called 'emotional recall.' This technique is where actors learn to channel their past experiences and emotions into a current situation to simulate the appearance of that particular emotion. Complicated? Not really. Dangerous? Can be. Worth it? Sometimes.

Overall, my life is one giant exercise in emotional recall. In every situation, I train myself to respond in a particular way, even if that is not what I'm feeling. Right now, I have a beautiful wife and a love that cannot be broken. However, I do not have a home, a job, a reliable car, or any of those things that create the 'security' needed by my generation.

Why do I need these things? Because I think I do.
Why can I not just trust that these things will be taken care of?

Ay, there's the rub.

So, trust is an issue; it always has been and probably always will be. Trust requires something much more than a word, a sound, or even an act. Trust requires the actual submission of one's thoughts, feelings, and attitudes to the greater. Trust requires me to stop and listen and act.

Instead of spending my time looking at jobs on the internet, worrying over cars and money, I should just spend time on my knees?
